Rounding the Bend of Spring on our Path

The season of Easter brings with it an abundance of joy and hope. Indeed, Christ is risen! Alleluia! Everywhere, we see manifestations of the Lord of Life: our beautiful oak trees are bursting with new spring green leaves as they shed their cloak of pollen in the torrential rains, lilies fragrance homes and gardens, and orchids thrive in the moist welcome of a new season. Nature tells its poignant story.

WP_003458Our children reveal a similar exuberance: delighted by the discovery of candy eggs and the fact of three more days of vacation with family. In the midst of all these joyful chords of Easter, we share in the suffering of some of our community who are sick at this time or suffering due to tragic loss.

One special insight of my Easter reflections was that of Christ as our light—the light on our path and for our path. It is His light that enables us to see, His light that illumes the mind and opens the heart, His light that shines into the darkness to bring clarity, and His light that awakens us to begin each day with hope.

Throughout the year, we have been journeying together on a path. Surely, this path has presented each of with moments of “courageous challenges” along our way—challenges to our courage, to our resilience, and to our hope. As we round the bend of Spring on our path, it is my prayer that we each continue to find the true light of the Risen Christ accompanying us each step of our way and that, on our paths, and with His accompaniment, we are truly filled with His light shining in our hearts.

Happy Easter to each one!


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