An Exquisite Design

“First, you should know that you are not here by your own design. You were led here, step by step, on different roads, through many apparent accidents: but, always, it was the finger of God that beckoned you. You are not the only educators thus brought together. There are many others, all over the world … in places you would never dream. They are all different, because children’s needs and cultures are different. Yet, they are all the same because they have followed the same beckoning finger, and have chosen to unite for the sake of the world’s children. They could not, just as you could not, without a special prompting grace. You were beckoned here for a reason …you are chosen to keep the flame of love alight, to nurture the seeds of goodness in this small place until the day when the Spirit sends you out to light other candles, sharing your treasure, until the whole world is united in love.“

Adapted from St. Madeline Sophie Barat, Foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart

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