
1006, 2018

The goal of true education…

These closing comments were offered at the end of our traditional "Prize Day." Members of the Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff, Students and Family members. Thank you for being here this morning, and for sharing in the formal ceremonial end of the 2017-2018 school year. The end of the year signals for all of us a time of celebration, especially as we come to the end of this Prize Day program where so many of you have been recognized for outstanding achievement. Today, we celebrate your success, and, more importantly, we celebrate the character of your person as reflected [...]

1304, 2018

If it could talk….

My Sacred Heart ring tells the story of my life. If it could talk, it could tell you of the places it has been all over the world, the hands it has touched, and of the homes it has entered. If it could talk, it could tell you of the times it has been held up high in excitement, of the times it has covered my face while thinking, or of many times that it has crossed with my other hand in a prayer. This ring has travelled in the same little box that I received it in many years [...]

802, 2018

Our Sacred Heart Roots

“I don’t really have any roots…,” a young woman recently shared with me while visiting the school. Listening quietly, I suspected that rather than having “no roots,” she was on an archetypal journey to find them. Does it surprise you that she has found her way to New Orleans? For us who live under the canopies of Live Oaks, whose tap roots extend both deep and wide, we value our roots as a source of identity and insight, character and culture. Looking deeply into our roots as a Sacred Heart school community, we discover that on this day, February 7th [...]

1412, 2017

Bicentennial Celebration of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, St. Louis Cathedral

This short "Call to Worship" opened the Liturgy of Celebration with banners and song in a packed Cathedral. Philippine's spirit is alive and well! Good afternoon! We gather here in this beautiful Cathedral for the opening of the Bicentennial year of celebration of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. Philippine Duchesne was a pioneer missionary of the Catholic Church. She was a frontier woman of vision. And, she was a woman known as the “one who prays always.” Beginning today, November 18th, 2017, and continuing through the coming year, the Religious of the Sacred Heart and members of the larger community of [...]

710, 2017

Strengthening our Community

Last Monday, we celebrated the Patronal Feast of the Rosary. On October 2, 1887, the first Mass was celebrated to place our school under the special patronage of Mary and to officially establish the campus on St. Charles Avenue. That event took place 130 years ago! Sr. Louise Callen, RSCJ, Ph.D., notes in her history of the event, "...the first children of the Rosary were registered on the following day - just nine in number, but truly a grain of mustard seed which has produced a magnificent tree." Sr. Callen's observation could not be truer. Like many of you, I [...]

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